Friday, August 4, 2017

How To Replace Your Social Security Card

If the unthinkable happens and you lose your Social Security card, you are going to want to take the necessary steps to get it replaced right away. You should also monitor your credit report and bank statements because someone could use copy of your Social Security card to open up accounts in your name.

Identity Proofs For Replacing Social Security Card

You can easily replace your Social Security card by going to your local Social Security office and providing proof your identity like a birth certificate or passport. You can’t get a new Social Security number, but you can get an Assisted Online Filings – Replacement of card if you need one. You want to be really careful not to lose your card in the first place because it is just too easy for it to get into the wrong hands and once it does you can run into problems.

Importance Of Your Social Security Card

Your Social Security card is something you want to guard because you can just never be too careful. The last thing you want is to have your card fall into the wrong hands and you just can’t take any chances with this happening. Your social security card is an important document and you should keep it at home or in another safe place. Don’t carry it around with you because you just never know when your card is going to get stolen.

If it does get stolen, just head to your local Social Security office with the proper documents and get a new card. It won’t take long and if all the paperwork checks out you are going to get your new card right on the spot and you can start using it right away. Once you get your replacement card, store it safely at home. Keep an eye on your bank statements and credit card bills to make sure no one has stolen your identity.

The post How To Replace Your Social Security Card appeared first on Lost Social Security Card SS Card Replacement.

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