Saturday, July 29, 2017

Social Security Card Replacement Requirements

Losing some of your documents can be frustrating. Another frustrating scenario is when you lose your social security card. Though you don’t need the card every now and then, you need to know your social security number at all times.

Social Security Card ReplacementSocial Security Card Replacement Application

It is important to first know the social security card replacement requirements. First, you will need to have the necessary documents. This way, you can prove that you are the owner of the card. Usually, you will need at least two identification cards that can be confirmed by the Social Security Agency. Your passport is an important document that can come in handy in these situations. Also, a lot of people ask about the cost of the replacement. In fact, you are allowed to lose your social security card three times in one year and you will get a replacement.

Social Security Card Replacement Application

Your passport is an important document that can come in handy in these situations. Also, a lot of people ask about the cost of the replacement. In fact, you are allowed to lose your social security card three times in one year and you will get free replacement every time. However, you are only allowed to lose it ten times in a lifetime. After that, you will have to pay for every replacement.

Social Security Card ReplacementBut of course, there are some problems when you lose your social security card. One of which is identity theft. Once you lost your social security card, there is a chance that your social security number is going to be used by other people.

Why is it that people are after your SSN? One, it allows you to open a bank account. Having a social security number also allows you to have a loan and a credit card. What exactly should you do in an event that you discovered that someone is already using your SSN? You will have to alert Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian for this scenario. They will provide you with a copy of your credit report.

Next, you will have to talk to the Federal Trade Commission. And lastly, you will have to call the police. If necessary, you may want to apply for a new social security number. Make sure as well that you are tracking everything in order to make sure that your credit is as clean as possible.

Why should you be worried about identity theft? One, there is a chance that they can defraud banks and even the IRS. In these events, you might be in trouble if you didn’t monitor the illegal activity early on.

The post Social Security Card Replacement Requirements appeared first on Lost Social Security Card SS Card Replacement.

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