Monday, June 12, 2017

What To Do If You Lose Your Child’s Social Security Card?

With identity theft on the rise, it is important to keep your private information safe. With just a little bit of confidential information, a thief can take out loans in your name, open up credit cards and even break into your checking account. One of the most damaging pieces of information that a thief can get is a social security number.

SS Card

Keep An Eye on Child’s Financial Information

If your child loses a social security card, your child’s financial future could be put in jeopardy. It is important that you keep an eye on your child’s financial information if the card is stolen and you will also want to get a replacement SS card as soon as you can.

Enroll Your Child to Identity Protection Service

Unfortunately, you can’t change your social security number. You only get one so if someone steals it you have to monitor accounts and maybe even enroll your child in an identity protection service. If your child is young enough that there wouldn’t be any financial history, you can monitor their number and make sure there is no activity.

Replacing your child’s car is easy. You need to provide a birth certificate and you will need to prove your identity and relationship to your child and you can get a new care by mail or at your local Social Security office. You will get the new SS card in the mail.

The best thing to do is not lose the card in the first place. You should keep your child’s Social Security card in a safe place and make sure that no one can get to it so you don’t have to deal with all the potential problems that can happen if someone steals the card. If your child’s Social Security card gets lost, you are going to have to be on the lookout for any activity.

Visit for more information on lost social security card.

The post What To Do If You Lose Your Child’s Social Security Card? appeared first on Lost Social Security Card SS Card Replacement.

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